Monday, 2 July 2012

Refining and development

I could have used alot more fabric,I could have also done it alot more neater.I could have added origami pieces because Renate Henschke used alot of origami which he made out of newspaper and magazines to create his collection.I could have also used alot of different feet to get different effects.I was also inspired by Renate Henschke's newspaper shoes with the origami style peice ontop that looks like a flower.if i had more time i would create an origami peice made out of fabric and stitch into it to show fabric manipulation.


I was inspired by Veronica Broadleys stitch work and how she used bright thread.I then used the braiding foot ontop of one of my sample with bright colours. On reflection This strenghtens my work by adding more colour and its another type of manipulation.

Thursday, 28 June 2012


Renate Henschke

'I am an Australian fashion designer
and freelance maker of 'things'
based in Dublin, Ireland.
I design and run a clothing label
called Arms'
Source from

'The Irish Times newspaper dress & The Gloss magazine accessories for their collaboration campaign'
Source from

He made a dress,shoes and clutch bag out of maazine and newspaper pages.


Veronica Broadley

Veronica is a stitch textile Artist
'in my current work i want tocreate a narrative based on images and fragments of clothing.the viewer is left to untangle the threads and texture to reveal the story within the cloth'.
She sed different types on fabrics and inages and combines them to make a collage like peice and keeps lauering.Her work reminds me of mine because i stitch into my work with the freestitch foot.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Final peice/evaluation

My final peice was inspired by my samples and I went along with the same urban look.I combined a bit of both primary photo's that Itook of my local area for my final piece because for one of my samples I used a magazine piece for my background,I stitched loads of magazine pages together for the metre long background for my final piece.I then done similar things for the top of ny final piece like I done for my samples .my work was also inspired by Veronica Broadley as I used my magazine pages to produce a collage like background and stitched on top of them.To finish my project in time I first made my samples and then I made my final peice I gave more time for my samples so that it would inspire me for my final peice,the more time I had,the more I could experiment for my samples.I planned my ideas by drawing them out and i made sure I had atleast one thing from both images.If I had more time I would make more sample's,experiment more and add more fabric manipulation to my final peice to make my piece more stronger and to inspire me more on my final piece.I was inspired by Veronica Broadley as she stitches ontop of the images and I used photocopied sheets of my image,ripped it into peices and stitched ontop of it.I was also inspired by Renate Henschke as he used magazine pages to create clothes ,so I used magazine pages for the base of my final peice.I had a problem with my final piece as I used a lot of emulsion ontop of my magazine pages and I was supose to work with it whilst it was wet but it dried and it was hard to scratch into it as it was ripping it,so instead I used different dyes on top so that it wasn't a plain white background.I also roughly planned out my final piece so i have a rough idea of how I was going to make it.I could have developed my work more by integrating more techniques into my pieces to make my piece stronger and so that its more about fabric manipulation and so that it followes the brief.

What i used

For my samples i used
*magazine bits
*procean dye's
*different pieces of fabric's
*different types of paper

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Fabric manipulation

To show fabric manipulation i cut strips of material,stitched a line down the middle,folded it over and line the middle of the next strip with the forst strip,it gave it a gathered 3D affect for the trees as trees have an uneven rough look.I also used alot of pleats which reminded me of building bricks.